hello, I installed office2pdf on redhat linux 9, with wine 12122003 version. Installation worked fine. Now when i try to convert first doc file. it throws following error.
Processing ./flatIn/README.DOC WineDbg starting on pid 8 No debug information in ELF 'wine' ((nil)) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\Program Files\WordView\WORDVIEW.EXE' (0x30 000000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NTDLL.DLL' (0x40090000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL' (0x40330000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ADVAPI32.DLL' (0x40750000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GDI32.DLL' (0x407b0000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\USER32.DLL' (0x409f0000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RPCRT4.DLL' (0x40b40000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE32.DLL' (0x40970000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSO97V.DLL' (0x306c0000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WORDVIEW\WWINT32V.DLL' (0x30 b50000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHLWAPI.DLL' (0x40c20000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMCTL32.DLL' (0x40c70000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL' (0x40b90000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINSPOOL.DRV' (0x40d20000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\X11DRV.DLL' (0x40de0000) Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x4 0e1424c). In 32-bit mode. 0x40e1424c (X11DRV.DLL.SwapBuffers+0x1b8c in X11DRV.DLL): cmpb %cl,0x0(%edx) Wine-dbg>Killing WinePid 8531 Killing WinePid 8531 with -9 Wine exited Error while processing "./flatIn/README.DOC": Timeout waiting for at bin/worker .pl line 535
main::bringWindowArray('undef','HASH(0x83f690c)','HASH(0x83ba814)','HASH (0x83ba838)') called at bin/worker.pl line 661
main::processFile('HASH(0x83f0be4)','./flatIn/README.DOC','./flatOut/REA DME') called at bin/worker.pl line 885 eval {...} called at bin/worker.pl line 884
main::handleFilesOfViewer('HASH(0x83f0be4)','./flatIn','./flatOut') call ed at bin/worker.pl line 912 main::handleAllFiles('./flatIn','./flatOut') called at bin/worker.pl lin e 1099
I have tried to open winword and xlviewer individually using wine and that works fine. Any help will be really a great help.
Thank you, Aakash.
===== Aakash Chauhan Graduate Student, Computer Science Department, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623. USA. www.rit.edu/~adc0467 adc0467@rit.edu (585) 530 7127
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begin Wednesday 14 January 2004 21:34, Aakash Chauhan quote:
hello, I installed office2pdf on redhat linux 9, with wine 12122003 version. Installation worked fine. Now when i try to convert first doc file. it throws following error.
The current version of office2pdf does not work with newer versions of wine. The last supported version is wine-20030709
However, an overhaul is planned, and in early February, there will be a version that works with current wine.